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TestWorkflows API Reference


Package v1 contains API Schema definitions for the Test Workflows v1 API group

Resource Types


Appears in:

name stringartifact nameMinLength: 1
Required: {}


Appears in:

workingDir stringoverride default working directory in the image (empty string to default WORKDIR for the image)
image stringimage to be used for the container
imagePullPolicy PullPolicypulling policy for the image
env EnvVar arrayenvironment variables to append to the container
envFrom EnvFromSource arrayexternal environment variables to append to the container
command stringoverride default command in the image (empty string to default ENTRYPOINT of the image)
args stringoverride default command in the image (empty string to default CMD of the image)
resources Resourcesexpected resources for the container
securityContext SecurityContextsecurity context for the container
volumeMounts VolumeMount arrayvolume mounts to append to the container


Appears in:

git ContentGitgit repository details
files ContentFile arrayfiles to load
tarball ContentTarball arraytarballs to unpack


Appears in:

path stringpath where the file should be accessible atMinLength: 1
content stringplain-text content to put inside
contentFrom EnvVarSourceexternal source to use
mode integermode to use for the file


Appears in:

uri stringuri for the Git repository
revision stringbranch, commit or a tag name to fetch
username stringplain text username to fetch with
usernameFrom EnvVarSourceexternal username to fetch with
token stringplain text token to fetch with
tokenFrom EnvVarSourceexternal token to fetch with
sshKey stringplain text SSH private key to fetch with
sshKeyFrom EnvVarSourceexternal SSH private key to fetch with
authType GitAuthTypeauthorization type for the credentialsEnum: [basic header]
mountPath stringwhere to mount the fetched repository contents (defaults to "repo" directory in the data volume)
cone booleanenable cone mode for sparse checkout with paths
paths string arraypaths to fetch for the sparse checkout


Appears in:

url stringurl for the tarball to extract
path stringpath where the tarball should be extracted
mount booleanshould it mount a new volume there


cron job configuration

Appears in:

cron stringcron schedule to run a test workflow
labels object (keys:string, values:string)labels to attach to the cron job
annotations object (keys:string, values:string)annotations to attach to the cron job
config object (keys:string, values:IntOrString)configuration to pass for the workflow



  • Type: dynamicList

Appears in:

Dynamic boolean
Static interface array
Expression string


Appears in:

cronjob CronJobConfig


Appears in:

matrix object (keys:string, values:DynamicList)matrix of parameters to spawn instances (static)
count IntOrStringstatic number of sharded instances to spawn
maxCount IntOrStringdynamic number of sharded instances to spawn - it will be lowered if there is not enough sharded values
shards object (keys:string, values:DynamicList)parameters that should be distributed across sharded instances
description stringservice description to display
logs stringshould save logs for the service (false if not specified)
timeout stringmaximum time until reaching readinessPattern: ^((0|[1-9][0-9]*)h)?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)m)?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)s)?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)ms)?$
transfer StepParallelTransfer arrayinstructions for transferring files
content Contentglobal content that should be fetched into all containers
pod PodConfigconfiguration for the scheduled pod
workingDir stringoverride default working directory in the image (empty string to default WORKDIR for the image)
image stringimage to be used for the container
imagePullPolicy PullPolicypulling policy for the image
env EnvVar arrayenvironment variables to append to the container
envFrom EnvFromSource arrayexternal environment variables to append to the container
command stringoverride default command in the image (empty string to default ENTRYPOINT of the image)
args stringoverride default command in the image (empty string to default CMD of the image)
resources Resourcesexpected resources for the container
securityContext SecurityContextsecurity context for the container
volumeMounts VolumeMount arrayvolume mounts to append to the container
shell stringscript to run in a default shell for the container
restartPolicy ServiceRestartPolicyRestart policy for the main container in the pod. One of OnFailure or Never.
readinessProbe ProbeProbe to check if the service has started correctly
pvcs object (keys:string, values:PersistentVolumeClaimSpec)list of accompanying permanent volume claims


Appears in:

name stringreadable name for the step
condition stringexpression to declare under which conditions the step should be run
defaults to: "passed", except artifacts where it defaults to "always"
pure booleanmark the step as pure, applying optimizations to merge the containers together
negative booleanis the step expected to fail
optional booleanis the step optional, so its failure won't affect the TestWorkflow result
paused booleanpause the step initially
retry RetryPolicypolicy for retrying the step
timeout stringmaximum time this step may takePattern: ^((0|[1-9][0-9]*)h)?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)m)?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)s)?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)ms)?$
content Contentcontent that should be fetched for this step
services object (keys:string, values:IndependentServiceSpec)list of accompanying services to start
container ContainerConfigdefaults for the containers in this step
workingDir stringworking directory to use for this step
setup IndependentStep arraysteps to run before other operations in this stepSchemaless: {}
delay stringdelay before the stepPattern: ^((0|[1-9][0-9]*)h)?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)m)?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)s)?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)ms)?$
shell stringscript to run in a default shell for the container
run StepRunrun specific container in the current step
execute StepExecuteexecute other Testkube resources
artifacts StepArtifactsscrape artifacts from the volumes
parallel IndependentStepParallelinstructions for parallel execution
steps IndependentStep arraysub-steps to runSchemaless: {}


Underlying type: struct{Parallelism int32 "json:"parallelism,omitempty""; StepExecuteStrategy "json:",inline" expr:"include""; Description string "json:"description,omitempty" expr:"template""; Logs *string "json:"logs,omitempty" expr:"expression""; Transfer []StepParallelTransfer "json:"transfer,omitempty" expr:"include""; Fetch []StepParallelFetch "json:"fetch,omitempty" expr:"include""; TestWorkflowTemplateSpec "json:",inline" expr:"include""; StepControl "json:",inline" expr:"include""; StepOperations "json:",inline" expr:"include""}

Appears in:


Appears in:

labels object (keys:string, values:string)labels added to the scheduled job
annotations object (keys:string, values:string)annotations added to the scheduled job
namespace stringnamespace for execution of test workflow
activeDeadlineSeconds integerduration in seconds the job may be active on the node


Appears in:

disableWebhooks boolean


Appears in:

minimum integerminimum value for the number (inclusive)
maximum integermaximum value for the number (inclusive)
exclusiveMinimum integerminimum value for the number (exclusive)
exclusiveMaximum integermaximum value for the number (exclusive)
multipleOf integerthe number needs to be multiple of this value


Appears in:

description stringparameter description
type ParameterTypetype of the parameterstringEnum: [string integer number boolean]
enum string arraythe list of allowed values, when limited
example IntOrStringexemplary value
default IntOrStringdefault value - if not provided, the parameter is requiredXIntOrString: {}
sensitive booleanwhether this value should be stored in the secret
format stringpredefined format for the string
pattern stringregular expression to match
minLength integerminimum length for the string
maxLength integermaximum length for the string
minimum integerminimum value for the number (inclusive)
maximum integermaximum value for the number (inclusive)
exclusiveMinimum integerminimum value for the number (exclusive)
exclusiveMaximum integermaximum value for the number (exclusive)
multipleOf integerthe number needs to be multiple of this value


Appears in:

format stringpredefined format for the string
pattern stringregular expression to match
minLength integerminimum length for the string
maxLength integermaximum length for the string


Underlying type: string


  • Enum: [string integer number boolean]

Appears in:



Appears in:

serviceAccountName stringdefault service account name for the scheduled pod
imagePullSecrets LocalObjectReference arrayreferences to secrets with credentials for pulling the images from registry
nodeSelector object (keys:string, values:string)node selector to define on which node the pod should land
labels object (keys:string, values:string)labels added to the scheduled pod
annotations object (keys:string, values:string)annotations added to the scheduled pod
volumes Volume arrayvolumes to include in the podSchemaless: {}
activeDeadlineSeconds integerduration in seconds the pod may be active on the node
dnsPolicy DNSPolicyDNS parameters given in DNSConfig will be merged with the policy selected with DNSPolicy.
nodeName stringNodeName is a request to schedule this pod onto a specific node.
securityContext PodSecurityContextSecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.
hostname stringSpecifies the hostname of the Pod
subdomain stringIf specified, the fully qualified Pod hostname will be "<hostname>.<subdomain>.<pod namespace>.svc.<cluster domain>".
affinity AffinityIf specified, the pod's scheduling constraintsSchemaless: {}
tolerations Toleration arrayIf specified, the pod's tolerations.
hostAliases HostAlias arrayHostAliases is an optional list of hosts and IPs that will be injected into the pod's hosts file if specified
priorityClassName stringIf specified, indicates the pod's priority.
priority integerThe priority value. Various system components use this field to find the priority of the pod.
dnsConfig PodDNSConfigSpecifies the DNS parameters of a pod.
preemptionPolicy PreemptionPolicyPreemptionPolicy is the Policy for preempting pods with lower priority.
topologySpreadConstraints TopologySpreadConstraint arrayTopologySpreadConstraints describes how a group of pods ought to spread across topology domains.Schemaless: {}
schedulingGates PodSchedulingGate arraySchedulingGates is an opaque list of values that if specified will block scheduling the pod.
resourceClaims PodResourceClaim arrayResourceClaims defines which ResourceClaims must be allocated and reserved before the Pod is allowed to start.


Appears in:

limits object (keys:ResourceName, values:IntOrString)resource limits for the container
requests object (keys:ResourceName, values:IntOrString)resource requests for the container


Appears in:

count integerhow many times at most it should retryMinimum: 1
Required: {}
until stringuntil when it should retry (defaults to: "passed")


Underlying type: string

Appears in:



Appears in:

use TemplateRef arraymultiple templates to include in this step
matrix object (keys:string, values:DynamicList)matrix of parameters to spawn instances (static)
count IntOrStringstatic number of sharded instances to spawn
maxCount IntOrStringdynamic number of sharded instances to spawn - it will be lowered if there is not enough sharded values
shards object (keys:string, values:DynamicList)parameters that should be distributed across sharded instances
description stringservice description to display
logs stringshould save logs for the service (false if not specified)
timeout stringmaximum time until reaching readinessPattern: ^((0|[1-9][0-9]*)h)?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)m)?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)s)?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)ms)?$
transfer StepParallelTransfer arrayinstructions for transferring files
content Contentglobal content that should be fetched into all containers
pod PodConfigconfiguration for the scheduled pod
workingDir stringoverride default working directory in the image (empty string to default WORKDIR for the image)
image stringimage to be used for the container
imagePullPolicy PullPolicypulling policy for the image
env EnvVar arrayenvironment variables to append to the container
envFrom EnvFromSource arrayexternal environment variables to append to the container
command stringoverride default command in the image (empty string to default ENTRYPOINT of the image)
args stringoverride default command in the image (empty string to default CMD of the image)
resources Resourcesexpected resources for the container
securityContext SecurityContextsecurity context for the container
volumeMounts VolumeMount arrayvolume mounts to append to the container
shell stringscript to run in a default shell for the container
restartPolicy ServiceRestartPolicyRestart policy for the main container in the pod. One of OnFailure or Never.
readinessProbe ProbeProbe to check if the service has started correctly
pvcs object (keys:string, values:PersistentVolumeClaimSpec)list of accompanying permanent volume claims


Appears in:

name stringreadable name for the step
condition stringexpression to declare under which conditions the step should be run
defaults to: "passed", except artifacts where it defaults to "always"
pure booleanmark the step as pure, applying optimizations to merge the containers together
negative booleanis the step expected to fail
optional booleanis the step optional, so its failure won't affect the TestWorkflow result
paused booleanpause the step initially
retry RetryPolicypolicy for retrying the step
timeout stringmaximum time this step may takePattern: ^((0|[1-9][0-9]*)h)?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)m)?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)s)?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)ms)?$
use TemplateRef arraymultiple templates to include in this step
content Contentcontent that should be fetched for this step
services object (keys:string, values:ServiceSpec)list of accompanying services to start
container ContainerConfigdefaults for the containers in this step
workingDir stringworking directory to use for this step
setup Step arraysteps to run before other operations in this stepSchemaless: {}
delay stringdelay before the stepPattern: ^((0|[1-9][0-9]*)h)?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)m)?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)s)?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)ms)?$
shell stringscript to run in a default shell for the container
run StepRunrun specific container in the current step
execute StepExecuteexecute other Testkube resources
artifacts StepArtifactsscrape artifacts from the volumes
template TemplateRefsingle template to run in this step
parallel StepParallelinstructions for parallel execution
steps Step arraysub-steps to runSchemaless: {}


Appears in:

workingDir stringworking directory to override, so it will be used as a base dir
compress ArtifactCompressioncompression options for the artifacts
paths string arraypaths to fetch from the container


Appears in:

negative booleanis the step expected to fail
optional booleanis the step optional, so its failure won't affect the TestWorkflow result
paused booleanpause the step initially
retry RetryPolicypolicy for retrying the step
timeout stringmaximum time this step may takePattern: ^((0|[1-9][0-9]*)h)?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)m)?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)s)?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)ms)?$


Appears in:

container ContainerConfigdefaults for the containers in this step
workingDir stringworking directory to use for this step


Appears in:

parallelism integerhow many resources could be scheduled in parallel
async booleanonly schedule the resources, don't watch the results (unless it is needed for parallelism)
tests StepExecuteTest arraytests to run
workflows StepExecuteWorkflow arrayworkflows to run


Appears in:

matrix object (keys:string, values:DynamicList)matrix of parameters to spawn instances (static)
count IntOrStringstatic number of sharded instances to spawn
maxCount IntOrStringdynamic number of sharded instances to spawn - it will be lowered if there is not enough sharded values
shards object (keys:string, values:DynamicList)parameters that should be distributed across sharded instances


Appears in:

name stringtest name to run
description stringtest execution description to display
matrix object (keys:string, values:DynamicList)matrix of parameters to spawn instances (static)
count IntOrStringstatic number of sharded instances to spawn
maxCount IntOrStringdynamic number of sharded instances to spawn - it will be lowered if there is not enough sharded values
shards object (keys:string, values:DynamicList)parameters that should be distributed across sharded instances
tarball object (keys:string, values:TarballRequest)pack some data from the original file system to serve them down
executionRequest TestExecutionRequestpass the execution request overrides


Appears in:

name stringworkflow name to run
selector LabelSelectorselector is used to identify a group of test workflows based on their metadata labels
description stringtest workflow execution description to display
matrix object (keys:string, values:DynamicList)matrix of parameters to spawn instances (static)
count IntOrStringstatic number of sharded instances to spawn
maxCount IntOrStringdynamic number of sharded instances to spawn - it will be lowered if there is not enough sharded values
shards object (keys:string, values:DynamicList)parameters that should be distributed across sharded instances
executionName stringunique execution name to use
tarball object (keys:string, values:TarballRequest)pack some data from the original file system to serve them down
config object (keys:string, values:IntOrString)configuration to pass for the workflow


Appears in:

name stringreadable name for the step
condition stringexpression to declare under which conditions the step should be run
defaults to: "passed", except artifacts where it defaults to "always"
pure booleanmark the step as pure, applying optimizations to merge the containers together


Appears in:

delay stringdelay before the stepPattern: ^((0|[1-9][0-9]*)h)?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)m)?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)s)?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)ms)?$
shell stringscript to run in a default shell for the container
run StepRunrun specific container in the current step
execute StepExecuteexecute other Testkube resources
artifacts StepArtifactsscrape artifacts from the volumes


Underlying type: struct{Parallelism int32 "json:"parallelism,omitempty""; StepExecuteStrategy "json:",inline" expr:"include""; Description string "json:"description,omitempty" expr:"template""; Logs *string "json:"logs,omitempty" expr:"expression""; Transfer []StepParallelTransfer "json:"transfer,omitempty" expr:"include""; Fetch []StepParallelFetch "json:"fetch,omitempty" expr:"include""; TestWorkflowSpec "json:",inline" expr:"include""; StepControl "json:",inline" expr:"include""; StepOperations "json:",inline" expr:"include""; Template *TemplateRef "json:"template,omitempty" expr:"include""}

Appears in:


Appears in:

from stringpath to load the files from
files DynamicListfile patterns to packType: dynamicList
to stringpath where the tarball should be extracted
mount booleanshould it mount a new volume there


Appears in:

workingDir stringoverride default working directory in the image (empty string to default WORKDIR for the image)
image stringimage to be used for the container
imagePullPolicy PullPolicypulling policy for the image
env EnvVar arrayenvironment variables to append to the container
envFrom EnvFromSource arrayexternal environment variables to append to the container
command stringoverride default command in the image (empty string to default ENTRYPOINT of the image)
args stringoverride default command in the image (empty string to default CMD of the image)
resources Resourcesexpected resources for the container
securityContext SecurityContextsecurity context for the container
volumeMounts VolumeMount arrayvolume mounts to append to the container
shell stringscript to run in a default shell for the container


Appears in:

content Contentcontent that should be fetched for this step


Appears in:

from stringpath to load the files from
files DynamicListfile patterns to packType: dynamicList


TemplateRef is the reference for the template inclusion

Appears in:

name stringname of the template to include
config object (keys:string, values:IntOrString)trait configuration values if needed


Appears in:

name stringtest execution custom name
executionLabels object (keys:string, values:string)test execution labels
variablesFile stringvariables file content - need to be in format for particular executor (e.g. postman envs file)
isVariablesFileUploaded boolean
variables object (keys:string, values:Variable)
testSecretUUID stringtest secret uuid
args string arrayadditional executor binary arguments
argsMode ArgsModeTypeusage mode for arguments
command string arrayexecutor binary command
image stringcontainer executor image
imagePullSecrets LocalObjectReference arraycontainer executor image pull secrets
sync booleanwhether to start execution sync or async
httpProxy stringhttp proxy for executor containers
httpsProxy stringhttps proxy for executor containers
negativeTest booleannegative test will fail the execution if it is a success and it will succeed if it is a failure
activeDeadlineSeconds integerOptional duration in seconds the pod may be active on the node relative to
StartTime before the system will actively try to mark it failed and kill associated containers.
Value must be a positive integer.
artifactRequest ArtifactRequest
jobTemplate stringjob template extensions
cronJobTemplate stringcron job template extensions
preRunScript stringscript to run before test execution
postRunScript stringscript to run after test execution
executePostRunScriptBeforeScraping booleanexecute post run script before scraping (prebuilt executor only)
sourceScripts booleanrun scripts using source command (container executor only)
scraperTemplate stringscraper template extensions
envConfigMaps EnvReference arrayconfig map references
envSecrets EnvReference arraysecret references
executionNamespace stringnamespace for test execution (Pro edition only)


TestWorkflow is the Schema for the workflows API

Appears in:

kind stringTestWorkflow
metadata ObjectMetaRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
description stringTestWorkflow readable description
spec TestWorkflowSpecTestWorkflow specification


TestWorkflowExecution is the Schema for the workflows API

Appears in:

kind stringTestWorkflowExecution
metadata ObjectMetaRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec TestWorkflowExecutionSpecTestWorkflowExecution specification


TestWorkflowExecutionDetails contains the details of TestWorkflowExecution

Appears in:

id stringunique execution identifier
name stringexecution name
namespace stringexecution namespace
number integersequence number for the execution
scheduledAt Timewhen the execution has been scheduled to run
statusAt Timewhen the execution result's status has changed last time (queued, passed, failed)
signature TestWorkflowSignature arraystructured tree of steps
result TestWorkflowResult
output TestWorkflowOutput arrayadditional information from the steps, like referenced executed tests or artifacts
reports TestWorkflowReport arraygenerated reports from the steps, like junit
workflow TestWorkflowSchemaless: {}
resolvedWorkflow TestWorkflowSchemaless: {}
testWorkflowExecutionName stringtest workflow execution name started the test workflow execution
disableWebhooks booleanwhether webhooks should be disabled for this execution
tags object (keys:string, values:string)test workflow execution tags
runningContext TestWorkflowRunningContextrunning context for the test workflow execution (Pro edition only)


TestWorkflowExecutionList contains a list of TestWorkflowExecutiom

kind stringTestWorkflowExecutionList
metadata ListMetaRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items TestWorkflowExecution array


TestWorkflowExecutionRequest contains TestWorkflow execution parameters

Appears in:

name stringcustom execution name
config object (keys:string, values:IntOrString)
testWorkflowExecutionName stringtest workflow execution name started the test workflow execution
disableWebhooks booleanwhether webhooks should be disabled for this execution
tags object (keys:string, values:string)test workflow execution tags
runningContext TestWorkflowRunningContextrunning context for the test workflow execution (Pro edition only)


TestWorkflowExecutionSpec defines the desired state of TestWorkflowExecution

Appears in:

testWorkflow LocalObjectReference
executionRequest TestWorkflowExecutionRequest


TestWorkflowExecutionSummary contains TestWorkflow execution summary

Appears in:

id stringunique execution identifier
name stringexecution name
number integersequence number for the execution
scheduledAt Timewhen the execution has been scheduled to run
statusAt Timewhen the execution result's status has changed last time (queued, passed, failed)
result TestWorkflowResultSummary
workflow TestWorkflowSummary
tags object (keys:string, values:string)test workflow execution tags
runningContext TestWorkflowRunningContextrunning context for the test workflow execution (Pro edition only)


TestWorkflowList contains a list of TestWorkflow

kind stringTestWorkflowList
metadata ListMetaRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items TestWorkflow array


TestWorkflowOutput defines output of TestWorkflow

Appears in:

ref stringstep reference
name stringoutput kind name
value object (keys:string, values:DynamicList)value returned


TestWorkflowPause defines pause of TestWorkflow

Appears in:

ref stringstep at which it was paused
pausedAt Timewhen the pause has started
resumedAt Timewhen the pause has ended


TestWorkflowStepReport contains report of TestWorkflow

Appears in:

ref stringstep reference
kind stringreport kind/type
file stringfile path to full report in artifact storage
summary TestWorkflowReportSummary


TestWorkflowStepReportSummary contains report summary of TestWorkflow

Appears in:

tests integertotal number of test cases
passed integernumber of passed test cases
failed integernumber of failed test cases
skipped integernumber of skipped test cases
errored integernumber of error test cases
duration integertotal duration of all test cases in milliseconds


TestWorkflowResult contains result of TestWorkflow

Appears in:

predictedStatus TestWorkflowStatusEnum: [queued running paused passed failed aborted]
queuedAt Timewhen the pod was created
startedAt Timewhen the pod has been successfully assigned
finishedAt Timewhen the pod has been completed
duration stringGo-formatted (human-readable) duration
totalDuration stringGo-formatted (human-readable) total duration (incl. pause)
durationMs integerDuration in milliseconds
pausedMs integerPause duration in milliseconds
totalDurationMs integerTotal duration in milliseconds (incl. pause)
pauses TestWorkflowPause array
initialization TestWorkflowStepResult
steps object (keys:string, values:TestWorkflowStepResult)


TestWorkflowResultSummary defines TestWorkflow result summary

Appears in:

predictedStatus TestWorkflowStatusEnum: [queued running paused passed failed aborted]
queuedAt Timewhen the pod was created
startedAt Timewhen the pod has been successfully assigned
finishedAt Timewhen the pod has been completed
duration stringGo-formatted (human-readable) duration
totalDuration stringGo-formatted (human-readable) duration (incl. pause)
durationMs integerDuration in milliseconds
totalDurationMs integerDuration in milliseconds (incl. pause)
pausedMs integerPause duration in milliseconds


running context for test workflow execution

Appears in:

interface TestWorkflowRunningContextInterface
actor TestWorkflowRunningContextActor


running context actor for test workflow execution

Appears in:

name stringactor name
email stringactor email
executionId stringtest workflow execution id
executionPath stringall test workflow execution ids starting from the root
type TestWorkflowRunningContextActorTypeEnum: [cron testtrigger user testworkflow testworkflowexecution program]


Underlying type: string

supported actors for test workflow running context


  • Enum: [cron testtrigger user testworkflow testworkflowexecution program]

Appears in:



running context interface for test workflow execution

Appears in:

name stringinterface name
type TestWorkflowRunningContextInterfaceTypeEnum: [cli ui api ci/cd internal]


Underlying type: string

supported interfaces for test workflow running context


  • Enum: [cli ui api ci/cd internal]

Appears in:



TestWorkflowSignature has signature of TestWorkflow

Appears in:

ref stringstep reference
name stringstep name
category stringstep category, that may be used as name fallback
optional booleanis the step/group meant to be optional
negative booleanis the step/group meant to be negative
children TestWorkflowSignature arraySchemaless: {}


TestWorkflowSpec defines the desired state of TestWorkflow

Appears in:

use TemplateRef arraytemplates to include at a top-level of workflow
events Event arrayevents triggering execution of the test workflow
system TestWorkflowSystemsystem configuration to define the orchestration behavior
config object (keys:string, values:ParameterSchema)make the instance configurable with some input data for scheduling it
content Contentglobal content that should be fetched into all containers
container ContainerConfigdefaults for the containers for all the TestWorkflow steps
job JobConfigconfiguration for the scheduled job
pod PodConfigconfiguration for the scheduled pod
notifications NotificationsConfigconfiguration for notifications
Deprecated: field is not used
execution TestWorkflowTagSchemavalues to be used for test workflow execution
services object (keys:string, values:ServiceSpec)list of accompanying services to start
setup Step arraysteps for setting up the workflow
steps Step arraysteps to execute in the workflow
after Step arraysteps to run at the end of the workflow
pvcs object (keys:string, values:PersistentVolumeClaimSpec)list of accompanying permanent volume claims


Appears in:

events Event arrayevents triggering execution of the test workflow
system TestWorkflowSystemsystem configuration to define the orchestration behavior
config object (keys:string, values:ParameterSchema)make the instance configurable with some input data for scheduling it
content Contentglobal content that should be fetched into all containers
container ContainerConfigdefaults for the containers for all the TestWorkflow steps
job JobConfigconfiguration for the scheduled job
pod PodConfigconfiguration for the scheduled pod
notifications NotificationsConfigconfiguration for notifications
Deprecated: field is not used
execution TestWorkflowTagSchemavalues to be used for test workflow execution


Underlying type: string

TestWorkflowStatus has status of TestWorkflow


  • Enum: [queued running paused passed failed aborted]

Appears in:



TestWorkflowStepResult contains step result of TestWorkflow

Appears in:

errorMessage string
exitCode integer
queuedAt Timewhen the container was created
startedAt Timewhen the container was started
finishedAt Timewhen the container was finished


TestWorkflowSummary fas TestWorkflow summary

Appears in:

name string
namespace string
labels object (keys:string, values:string)
annotations object (keys:string, values:string)


Appears in:

pureByDefault booleanassume all the steps are pure by default
isolatedContainers booleandisable the behavior of merging multiple operations in a single container


Appears in:

tags object (keys:string, values:string)test workflow execution tags


TestWorkflowTemplate is the Schema for the workflows API

Appears in:

kind stringTestWorkflowTemplate
metadata ObjectMetaRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
description stringTestWorkflowTemplate readable description
spec TestWorkflowTemplateSpecTestWorkflowTemplate specification


TestWorkflowTemplateList contains a list of TestWorkflowTemplate

kind stringTestWorkflowTemplateList
metadata ListMetaRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items TestWorkflowTemplate array


TestWorkflowTemplateSpec defines the desired state of TestWorkflow

Appears in:

events Event arrayevents triggering execution of the test workflow
system TestWorkflowSystemsystem configuration to define the orchestration behavior
config object (keys:string, values:ParameterSchema)make the instance configurable with some input data for scheduling it
content Contentglobal content that should be fetched into all containers
container ContainerConfigdefaults for the containers for all the TestWorkflow steps
job JobConfigconfiguration for the scheduled job
pod PodConfigconfiguration for the scheduled pod
notifications NotificationsConfigconfiguration for notifications
Deprecated: field is not used
execution TestWorkflowTagSchemavalues to be used for test workflow execution
services object (keys:string, values:IndependentServiceSpec)list of accompanying services to start
setup IndependentStep arraysteps for setting up the workflow
steps IndependentStep arraysteps to execute in the workflow
after IndependentStep arraysteps to run at the end of the workflow
pvcs object (keys:string, values:PersistentVolumeClaimSpec)list of accompanying permanent volume claims